The Production Structure
An integrated system devoted to Quality and Efficiency within a modern and organized establishment.
The companies of the Amarischia group, Amarischia S.r.l. and Indaco S.p.A., for obvious reasons of efficiency, have chosen to share an industrial complex in the industrial area of Pascarola, in the province of Naples.
Manufacturing sheds, offices, laboratories and warehouses occupy about 13,000 square meters on an area of 20,000. The strength of the recently renovated plant is its strategic location, close to access to the motorway and railway networks.
The production activity is divided into production lines:
- liqueurs and baths for pastry;
- sugared almonds and chocolate;
- chocolate specialties;
- confectionery specialties;
- hard candies and gummy candies;
- chewing gum.
The group makes use of efficient machinery and equipment, adopts standardized procedures and employs qualified personnel who are constantly updated.
An effort aimed at maintaining the efficiency of the systems, the containment of the environmental impact, the safety of people and things, while ensuring the very high standards required by the production of brands such as Amarischia, La Confetteria del Cuore, Colfresh and many others international brands of which the group is the licensee or exclusive manufacturer for one or more lines.
Innovation and Quality are the pillars on which the group’s strategy is based, research and training have significant budgets and dedicated resources, machinery and equipment, even when built on a project, are modified, updated to guarantee their effectiveness and efficiency over time.
However, as a value shared by owners, management, workers, respect for craft traditions for “classic” products is always guaranteed, never replaced by industrial production logics: the ability to innovate in tradition is the strength of Amarischia.
The production is exported to more than forty countries, mainly in the European Community, North America, North Africa and the Middle East, where the production of the Amarischia group asserts itself as an example of made in Italy quality.
Internal operating procedures, strictly respected, stricter than the provisions of the law or those of third party certifying bodies, ensure:
- the quality standards of products and processes;
- the safety, training and participation of professionals;
- respect for the environment;
- the enhancement of the territory.
Research and development activities are handled by a team composed of internal and external resources (AMARISCHIA SpA and INDACO SpA), consultants, organizations and associations collaborating in product development and in the conception and adoption of new practices, a professional network cemented in the its components by shared values. The strategic goal is to build and consolidate over time a community of professionals and technicians able to ensure the companies of the group the skills necessary to comply with the following development vectors:
- Safety for production personnel, for the area hosting the group’s activities, for consumers;
- TTM (time to market) significantly lower than the sector benchmarks;
- enhancement of local resources;
- reduction of the impact on the environment;
- updating the skills and professionalism of human resources;
- development of the ability to adapt to change.
For Amarischia Certifications click here.

People First
For each project we create development teams where the skills of each individual are valued. The goal is to use development activities as a stimulus and vehicle for achievement for all Amarischia employees and partners.
Continuous updating of skills
We change the attention to training of the individual company components from professional activities. We promote training activities aimed at updating everyone’s skills with respect to three imperatives:
- Safety;
- Efficiency;
- Hapyness

The Vectors of Skills Development
ed semper dictum dignissim. Donec tincidunt mi et massa vestibulum, eget fringilla magna tempus. Interdums et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut ut sem tristique, cursus nunc at, convallis purus. Nunc cursus fringilla nisl, vel fringilla felis dignissim ac. In viverra accumsan sodales.
We aim to develop the ability to get there first with fewer resources. We are obsessed with Quality as the elimination of waste and costs.Different visions and transversal skills, attention to technological development, continuous research, allow us to give meaning to our motto: Innovate in Tradition. Because innovating is above all making efficiency, in products, in processes, without forgetting the roots.
In our corporate culture, the safety of people, staff, customers and citizens living in our area of activity is our first concern.Before being industrial operators, they must be men and women with families and responsibilities. This is why it is easy to choose the safest way for everyone, in our every decision. Because Consumers, Customers, Citizens, we are and we do not want anyone to suffer for our actions, including the territory.
Happiness is a right and training helps to achieve happiness, because it is professional growth, it is comparison and therefore development of social relationships, because it is self-gratifying.We encourage the achievement of Happiness also through Training, favoring those who want to reach specific objectives even outside the company mission. As long as they promote happiness.
The guidelines of our corporate structure
ed semper dictum dignissim. Donec tincidunt mi et massa vestibulum, eget fringilla magna tempus. Interdums et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut ut sem tristique, cursus nunc at, convallis purus. Nunc cursus fringilla nisl, vel fringilla felis dignissim ac. In viverra accumsan sodales.
People First. Always
Obsession with Quality
Anticipate and not Follow
Intellectual Honesty
Smart & Agile
Consistency and constancy
Working together
Market oriented
Say no when you have to