Amarischia are the people, men and women involved …
Amarischia are the people, the group of men and women committed daily to improving the consumption experience of Amarischia, Confetteria del Cuore and Indaco products.
In all Amarischia production divisions we work on the daily improvement of products and processes, faithful to our roots and traditions but open to innovation.
Any improvement, large or small, is always the result of the ingenuity and commitment of individual workers united by our values, respect for the environment and for people, and trust in our mantra:
Values: the principles that guide our choices
We operate in compliance with people, the environment, the rules, governed by a solid moral code based on values shared with our main stakeholders.

Our company policy is based on transparency and sincerity, values that represent the basis for building mutually profitable and lasting relationships with our stakeholders. We do not shy away from our responsibilities.
We immediately notify our interlocutor if any difficulties arise, offering our availability to overcome them together. Because relationships can grow and intensify also and above all by overcoming obstacles together.

Our distributors and our customers who rely on our products deserve our utmost trust. For this reason we do not hesitate to postpone our interests to those of our customers, offering an active cooperation to solve any problem.
Trust is a relational heritage that must be built every day with suppliers, customers and above all with consumers. For this reason, our management is trained to give and receive trust with a view to common growth. Because trusting means reducing distances and the costs of emotional development and productivity.

We believe that innovation comes from the constant pursuit of excellence, a process fueled by dissatisfaction with the “state of the art”: we invest energy and resources to develop new products, new processes, learning day by day that we can do better.
In any case, Innovation is the result of the efforts and commitments of everyone, our partners, our suppliers, our workers, our ancestors. This is why for us there is no innovation without tradition and respect for quality, because we never stop learning from our roots.

We believe in respect for human rights and in the fact that it is a strong duty that every individual contributes to the defense of human dignity. We strongly condemn the exploitation of child labor.
In our company, the concept of People First is declined as a guiding star in our daily improvement policy, starting from the safety of people and the environment up to the conscious development of the potential of each individual. Because the pursuit of happiness must be a right.

We believe that all our activities must be based on respect for the environment. We do not use products, processes or materials that do not ensure a good production, transport and storage policy throughout the entire cycle.
We manage our premises and machinery through a sustainable use of water, consumables, raw materials and energy, including the use of renewable energy sources where possible; we pursue the constant improvement of the environmental impact in all its aspects and in particular through the reduction of polluting emissions, the elimination of waste and proper management of waste.